Ayurvedic Treatment Overview

Our clinic is deeply committed to the traditional practices of Ayurvedic medicine, a holistic approach known for its effectiveness in treating various chronic conditions. While the progress with Ayurvedic treatments can be gradual, a key benefit lies in their minimal to non-existent side effects, ensuring a gentle yet potent healing process. We have documented numerous successful outcomes across a spectrum of ailments. Notably, our treatment regimens have shown remarkable results in managing conditions such as Hepatitis (all types), Multiple Sclerosis, various forms of Arthritis, and an array of cancerous diseases including Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer, as well as numerous cases involving tumors and cysts. Our approaches have also been effective in treating Metastatic conditions and bolstering Immune system health.

Moreover, the scope of Ayurvedic treatment extends far beyond these mentioned conditions. Our experience and expertise allow us to address almost all health issues, offering patients a comprehensive and natural path to recovery and well-being. Our clinic stands as a testament to the enduring power and relevance of Ayurvedic medicine in contemporary healthcare.


Hepatitis, increasingly recognized as a critical health concern in modern times, is primarily attributed to viral infections in contemporary medical science. In contrast, Ayurveda doesn’t specifically identify viruses as causative agents of Hepatitis. Instead, it focuses on distinct Doshas, the pathogenic factors in Ayurvedic theory, offering clear guidelines for diagnosis and treatment to address various Hepatitis conditions. Modern medicine classifies Hepatitis into several types, such as A, B, C, and E. Hepatitis A and E are characterized by jaundice and other specific symptoms and are known to be contagious. On the other hand, Hepatitis B and C often present no immediate symptoms. They remain active in the blood and can potentially lead to severe liver damage and other complications over time. This potential for future harm is a significant concern in the understanding of Hepatitis B and C within the realm of modern medical science.

Hepatitis related to virus A or E is easily curable with Ayurvedic treatment. This is known to all, however, modern medical science is still under research to counteract the virus. But Hepatitis B and C are very complicated to cure. Ayurveda has a good reputation in the treatment of liver diseases. In case the patient of Hepatitis B or C, in advanced stage gets cirrhosis of the liver or cancer of the liver, they should not lose their confidence in treatment. There are so many Ayurvedic experiences of cure which are recorded in Ayurvedic text.

General treatment consists of medicines for the inflammation of the liver, for anemic conditions, general body cleaning medicine, some diuretic medicine along some other symptomatic treatments.

General Symptoms of Hepatitis

Sudden high fever chill and sweating, normally for two or three days; bad nausea and vomiting, at the beginning; then the body gradually turns yellow (first in eyes and then in tongue); dark yellow urine; white stool (sometimes very dark stool, depending upon the foods eaten); constipation (or diarrhea, if there are parasites); much weakness; dizziness; loss of appetite; loss of weight; pain in the liver (right side under the ribs); uneasiness; depression are the general symptoms of common hepatitis.

For more details, please read our book on Hepatitis.

Multiple Sclerosis

Causes of Multiple Sclerosis

Wrong diagnosis and treatment are the main cause of Multiple Sclerosis(MS), because the case of MS, at the beginning, is limited within the symptoms of pathogenic defect of serum.

The cause of pathogenic defect of serum is considered as the undigested greasy foods e.g. oil. peanut butter, milk products (except cheese), etc. It has been investigated that the greasy foods eaten during the period when the meal is half-digested in the stomach, especially cause the pathogenic defect of serum. Also, during the period of digestion of greasy foods, any hot and cold drinks can cause pathogenic defects in serum.

The drugs and diet which aggravate the function of the nervous system can be the cause of permanent paralysis.

Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis

The pathogenic agent of Multiple Sclerosis(MS) when is active in the serum, the patient of MS complains of drowsiness, sleep all the time, wearisome, anorexia, fever, body aches, goose pimples, vomiting, pain in the legs, blurred vision, jerking and especially weakness. These symptoms come and go, not even being known what is the cause of them. However, the recurring problem is characteristic of the case of MS. Ayurveda considers that these are the primitive symptoms of MS which are very common during the period of activity of the artery system. It is well investigated that during the developing period of the body ( in general, sixteen to thirty years of age), the artery system becomes more active. This is especially true for women. Therefore, the problem of MS is very common for women as well as men from the age of thirty, someone who is fat and weak does not follow this rule.

The general treatment of MS is based on digestive drugs and medicines for the symptomatic treatment together with drugs to counteract the bodily grease, decrease the body weight, and keep balance in the bodily system. The pathogenic defect of serum which causes the primitive symptoms of MS can be fixed with the treatment based on the digestive drugs. For the treatment to counteract the bodily grease, some drugs that are bitter, pungent, astringent, or dilatory in effect are prescribed. It is very important to pay attention that during the treatment with these drugs, the nervous system should not be aggravated. For that, some counteracting drugs that help to restore the balance of the nervous system should be prescribed side by side. Ayurveda points out that the drugs which counteract the bodily grease can aggravate the function of the nervous system. In this condition, the symptoms of MS can be worse along with insomnia, severe pain, hot sensation, and permanent damage of paralyzed nerves.

The advanced stage of MS which is considered as the third stage of MS with the permanent symptom of paralysis is not curable. However, it can only be maintained.

For more details, please read our book on Multiple Sclerosis.


Cancer, a complex and multifaceted disease, is characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells in the body. It can develop in virtually any organ or tissue, such as the lung, breast, colon, or skin. The origins of cancer are diverse, ranging from genetic mutations and environmental factors to lifestyle choices like smoking and diet. Its progression and severity vary greatly, depending on the type of cancer and the stage at diagnosis. Advances in medical research have led to better diagnostic tools, more effective treatments like chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and targeted drug therapies, and an increased understanding of preventive measures. Despite these advancements, cancer remains a leading cause of death worldwide, making ongoing research and education crucial in the fight against this disease. Early detection often plays a key role in improving treatment outcomes, highlighting the importance of regular screenings and awareness of risk factors and symptoms.

Some cancer diseases that have successful treatment from our ayurvedic medicines are:

Breast Cancer

The fundamental cause of breast cancer either benign or malignant is the injury of the epithelium. The physical or traumatic injury of the epithelium results in abnormal branches of blood vessels; in the process of healing the injury they dry up not even causing any big problems. But, in some conditions of pathogenic defect of the muscular tissues and the blood, these abnormal vessels can be active again causing constant impulses in the scar of the injured epithelial tissues.

The breast by nature is a delicate organ. Many conditions can be the cause of injury to the breast epithelium. Squeezing in a love affair; tight dress on the breast; constant vibration of the breasts as caused by certain types of vehicles or strenuous exercise; avoidance of breastfeeding right after childbirth or during the period of breastfeeding while the mammary glands are very active; baby bite (it is common when there is no enough milk secretion); blockage caused by the thickness of milk or any abnormal condition of the intercostal veins; the problem of the breast abscess; irregular menstruation; depression, mental anxiety or any other condition which cause declining of the breasts etc. are the main causes of injury of the breast’s epithelium.

Breast cancer whatever may be the condition and character of it, is common to the age of adult when the mammary glands are active.

The treatment of breast cancer is divided into two different drugs: Drugs for general treatment and Drugs for specific treatment. The general treatment is based on the drugs that subdue the abnormal growth, clean the blood and muscular tissues, restore the balance of the bodily systems, maintain the stamina, and heal the ulceration.

The specific treatment depends upon the condition of the breast cancer that is, a drug for neuralgia condition, a drug for hard tumors, a drug for lipoma, a drug for myoma, a drug for angioma, a drug for neoplasm developed within the ulcer or wound and drug for adenoma.

For more information, please read our book on Breast Cancer.

Breast Cancer

Prostrate cancer, Liver cancer, Uterus cancer

Our clinic has achieved notable success in treating other forms of cancer, particularly in cases involving prostate cancer, liver cancer, and uterine cancer. These successes are a testament to our dedication to providing effective, personalized care for each patient. By integrating advanced treatment methodologies and individualized approaches, we have been able to significantly improve outcomes for patients suffering from these challenging conditions. Our results in these areas highlight our commitment to excellence in oncological care and our continuous pursuit of innovative and effective cancer treatments.

Prostrate Cancer
Prostrate Cancer
Liver Cancer
Liver Cancer

Metastatic Condition

In managing metastatic conditions, our clinic offers promising Ayurvedic alternative treatments that have shown considerable effectiveness. These treatments are tailored to not only address the complexities of metastasis but also to enhance the overall well-being of patients. Our approach focuses on balancing the body’s natural systems, using time-tested Ayurvedic practices and remedies. This holistic method has been particularly beneficial for patients with metastatic conditions, providing them with a supportive and nurturing alternative to conventional therapies. Our commitment to these Ayurvedic principles underscores our dedication to offering compassionate and comprehensive care for those facing the challenges of metastasis.


Causes of General Arthritis

The main cause of general arthritis is poor blood circulation which is common to a person with nerve-natured body type. Ayurveda indicates that the proper function of the artery system regulates and controls the function of the nervous system and the poor function of the artery system aggravates the function of the nervous system. The aggravated or overactive nervous system causes dryness counteracting the bodily grease. In this condition, the synovial mucous membrane which is considered as a lubricating substance of the joints, becomes inactive. That, in fact, is the cause of the problems of general arthritis affecting any weak joints concerned with injury, impact, or constant uses.

Symptoms of General Arthritis

The main symptom of general arthritis, in its primary stage, is mild joint pain with or without swelling. The joint pain will often come and go. It will appear especially in the winter, cold climate, cloudy days, rainy season, or in a condition of physical weakness and fever. It is important to pay attention that the joints that are weak in certain conditions of injury or constant use are often affected in the case of general arthritis. Constant pain and deformation of the affected joints are the main symptoms of chronic general arthritis.

Spondylitis, scoliosis, arthrosis, lumbago, osteoarthritis, etc. are the particular names of general arthritis related to different joints and their conditions.

In these conditions, we also have good medicine. The general treatment of Arthritis is based on the application of oil massage, nerve tonic, general tonic, and carminative drugs. These applications aim to increase the blood circulation and to stimulate the nutritive function. an increased blood circulation will supply proper heat in the body which is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system. And the active nutritive function restores the proper functioning of the joint’s synovial mucous membrane which is very important to keep healthy, the joints. 

For more details, please read our book on Arthritis.

Health Matters: Navigating Chronic Conditions, Treatments, and Wellness Tips

If you’re interested in exploring various chronic medical conditions, including their symptoms, treatments, dos and don’ts, dietary recommendations, and more, then read our Health & Treatment: Book and Articles.

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